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Disciple Bible Study
Most people yearn to feel close to God; but they also need to think about God, to attempt to unravel the divine mystery. We do not truly believe in something we know little about. That is not faith but fideism, or mindless assent. If we desire to share our faith with others, we first need a basic understanding of it ourselves. Christian maturity involves study.
If you are looking for a richer fuller life now, free from guilt and shame, and with the assurance that you will have eternal life in Heaven when you die, we invite you to understand these simple truths.
1. How does one receive that eternal life? The word that the Gospel of John uses ninety-eight times is believe. Prior to raising Martha's brother, Lazarus, from the grave, Christ explained to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die" (John 11:25-26). Believe means, "Understanding that Jesus Christ died for me and rose again, I receive eternal life by trusting Him alone as my only way to heaven." God asks us to trust a person—Jesus Christ—as our only means of salvation.
2. Trusting Christ is not merely accepting intellectually that a person named Jesus Christ died on a cross and rose again. It is acknowledging that He alone is my only way to heaven. Trusting Christ is the means through which we appropriate His gift of eternal life. And it is the means by which we are freed from the guilt and shame of our sin.
3. All of us are sinners. The punishment for that sin is death and eternal separation from God. Jesus Christ satisfied the anger of God against our sin by taking the punishment we deserve, dying on a cross, and rising from the grave the third day. That is why we are invited to trust in Christ alone. Upon trusting Christ, we can know we are forgiven, and we can be as certain of heaven as though we are already there.
We invite you to make that decision to believe and trust in Jesus today. If you do, we encourage you to let us know through email or a phone call. If you are not sure or if you have questions, we hope you will get in touch with us to discuss it further.
May God give you a wonderful blessing today!
Romans 12:2 instructs the Christian to avoid conforming to the world by being “transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect."
The following classes, studies, and resources are available to promote the renewing of the mind through study in small groups, Sunday School, and an individual’s everyday life.
Sunday school provides a structure for teaching God’s Word. Preaching isn’t enough. A systematic teaching of the Scriptures – not just preaching (Acts 5:42) needs to occur through all age levels. Children, youth, and adults need opportunities for discovery, review, and interaction as they study God’s principles. Sunday school meets needs!
Sunday school gears Bible teaching to a specific age group (Deut. 31:12). That means a wiggly four-year-old can discover great biblical truth by acting out a Bible story, completing dot-to-dot pictures, singing fun songs, and obeying parents. During the same hour, senior adults may discuss whether their relationship with their spouse or responses to daily crises reflect their trust in God. Both age groups leave Sunday school with specific applications for the week.
Disciple is a program of disciplined Bible study aimed at developing strong Christian leaders.
Each of these studies gives the Old and New Testaments equal time, emphasizing the wholeness of the Bible as a revelation of God. DISCIPLE draws upon the work of scholars, the personal Bible reading and study of the participant, and dynamic group discussion to aid understanding of the Bible.
Disciple is a thirty-four-week overview of the entire Bible and starts in the fall. Check back for when the next class starts.
Establishing the intellectual voice of Christ at the university.
200 West 2nd Avenue, Ranson, West Virginia 25438, United States
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